Don’t be a Ghost, Learn How to Post

social media

Social media has become the lifeblood of marketing and spreading cat videos. It started with the original intention of connecting friends and family, but this objective quickly changed. This platform became the center of business expansion, advertisement, and social media campaign strategies. In the recent year, social media became a huge topic of debate because of the Facebook – Cambridge Analytica scandal. So how can businesses use social media promote their company in a positive light? There’s got to be more to Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter than just sending your friends memes. Right?

mediaWhat’s Best for YOU?

As you might have guessed, some social media platforms are more “business friendly” than others, meaning they are easier to use for a business purpose! Determining what social media platforms you want to use is helpful, because it asks you to figure out what type of audience you are targeting. Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram are primarily focused on the younger generations, while Facebook and LinkedIn are heavily used for business networking of corporations, nonprofits, and local companies. A combination of social media platforms will generate a more widespread business campaign! But many smaller companies that don’t have a large team at their disposal tend to have multiple pages and focus their energy toward one main campaign platform. This makes it easier and less stressful to update their websites or social media platforms regularly! So, what exactly should you post about?

How to be Content with your Content

In order to work towards a successful, positive social media presence, companies must create content that will resonate with their customers! Seems simple enough right? If only throwing some memes in your blogs was the only thing it took to get people interested in you and your company. Content “is the most consistent and fail-proof method of building a brand, not only in substance, but in authority.” Looking into what sort of keywords, hashtags, or questions commonly affiliated with what your business does can also be beneficial in developing quality content for your social media consumers. Now, all this may seem pretty self-explanatory, but truthfully, starting a social media campaign from scratch is difficult. Because, where DO you start?

For companies that have more people at their disposal, social media testing has proven to be helpful. Basically, your company will set up multiple social media platforms and put in equal amounts of effort into each. Then, after a designated period of time, you can look at each platform and see which had the greatest results. Maybe that means looking at which platform received the most comments or likes! It could even mean just looking to see which platform had the most digital traffic, aka views! You won’t get rid of the networks that had the least “successful” reach, but you will now know where to focus your attention.

Time: It’s of the Essence

Now that you know who you’re targeting, what type of content to create, and what platform suits you, the last, and probably best, factor to utilizing social media well is to create a content calendar! This can range from being very simple to being more complicated, including monthly holidays, team birthdays, local events, etc. Here at J.IT Outsource, our content calendar entails a daily category! If you’ve been following our blogs, you might have noticed each day of the week has a specific focus. But instead of me telling you what each day is, why don’t you go here to read some articles and figure out the categories yourself!

Social media is an extremely powerful tool. Utilizing all different platforms online allows for companies to network themselves and spread the word about their services! Although social media has its downfalls and can be used negatively, it is currently the strongest marketing tool out there. So instead of posting your flyer onto another street light, why don’t you try posting on a social media platform? It saves paper, really.